COMBO - Shimano Dialuna 8'6'' PE 0.3-1 2pce + Vanquish C3000-B

Meet the dream team, Shimano's lightweight cream of the crop. Once you pick up the Shimano Dialuna 8'6 Light Spin rod and Vanquish reel, it will change your fishing experience forever. This combo features all the latest Shimano technology and performs in various fishing situations. This is the kind of combo you will want an extra spool for, to use it for all-day Canals fishing with 4lb braid and saltwater missions for snapper with 20lb braid. Did we mention the 20lb drag on the Vanquish? The sleek look, deadly accuracy and smooth casting will have you daydreaming of your next fishing trip.  Don't take our word for it. Experience it yourself.


Only 2 left at Fisherman's Loft


Braid recommendations: Sufix 832 or Sufix 131
